Monday, December 18, 2006

Music Nights and Christmas Lights

A late getting up, and therefore rushed morning began what became a pretty good day as far as school goes. Despite having not even attempted finishing my "Othello" essay for English, the mood was calm, and the day filled with swapping Christmas cards and stories of our weekends.
Saturday had been cold, Christmassy and very fun. Getting the train to meet a friend in the day (along with our usual hours of sitting in king's Square, enjoying the laughs we get for our outfits and eating gingerbread men and strawberry laces), a gig at the Guildhall then back to hers to analyse the night and discuss the gossip which had unfolded. With a lack of people we actually new attending the gig this month, we focused on our own musings. Probably the best being somebody mistaking us for our favourite band "Robots in Disguise" ... that was pretty damn awesome.
Getting the train back Sunday evening, and realising I had an essay to write, and my hair needed washing, I was faced with a difficult decision.. I say difficult, to be fair the essay never had a chance.
It's the 18th and I still can't get my head around the fact that Christmas is but days away.. tomorrow is the last day of school before the Christmas holidays. We get a one hour long extended tutor period at the end of the day, where nothing "inappropriate or illegal" must go on, sounds like a blast doesn't it? Well, even so, it was fun last year. Now, off to do my essay: watch Scrubs.

Listening to: Gary Numan - Me! I disconnect from you (Hybrid version)


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